the blog
The Ultimate Third Trimester To-Do List
There can be a lot of nervous energy floating around and a lot of urge to nest, so here’s our comprehensive list of to-do’s for your third trimester that will keep you busy and also serve an important purpose. We’ve written them down from both the practicality of our nurse training as well as the hearts of mamas who have been on the other side, just like you.
Eight Tips for Surviving Pregnancy & Postpartum While Sick
It’s winter. It’s germ season. And while the snow hasn’t come to visit us here in the northeast too often this year, it’s not spring quite yet and the illnesses are still making their rounds. Here are our favorite tips, both from the nursing perspective and the real “been-there” mom experience.
5 Things To Do In Your First Trimester That Will Serve You Postpartum
There isn’t much to do in this stage of pregnancy other than focus inward and endure a lot of agonizing waiting. Waiting for things to feel real, waiting for that sweet little heartbeat to show itself, and waiting for some of the new symptoms plaguing your life to subside. Here is a small list of things that you CAN do now that will pay off later when you do finally begin your postpartum journey.