if mama and babe are both healthy, it makes sense to fiercely protect your opportunity for a golden hour. all of the evidence and research points to a number of benefits for both the birthing parent and newborn! it can be a really magical time!

that being said, we feel it’s important to normalize when the experience *isn’t* so magical, or simply isn’t possible.

it’s NOT your fault if your head is still spinning or you’re still in pain and can’t focus all of your attention on the babe on your chest. it’s NOT your fault if babe doesn’t successfully latch to the breast during this hour. it’s NOT your fault if complications prevent this hour from happening altogether. your bonding and breastfeeding (if you desire) chances are far from ruined.

as your postpartum nurses, we love to hear when your golden hour was pure bliss, your baby latched, you remained skin to skin and assessments were appropriately delayed. but we hold the hands of so many mamas who didn’t get this or don’t feel so blissful. and we wish they knew that their experience is just as valid and magical in its own right.

what was your golden hour experience like? ✨👇🏻

Your postpartum nurses Meg and Carly here to prepare you for postpartum and beyond. We want to make sure you have the education you need to care for your own healing body after birth, not just your baby.

Postpartum prep courses occurring virtually and regularly intended to be taken during pregnancy are now open for registration. Our return to work support group is pay what you can and supports that tough back to work transition. Then join us in our online community for the growth, support and empowerment to continue <3


Breastmilk and alcohol


Postpartum Bleeding, aka lochia